Oh ye Watchmen... where art thou?
“O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the LORD. Give the Lord no rest until He completes His work, until He makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth.” - Isaiah 62:6-7
The other day, I was in a conversation with God mostly repenting for my own personal slothfulness in some areas where I hadn’t taken certain assignments as seriously as I should and also where I had failed to speak when prompted by Him. It was a pretty solemn moment as I recognised the criticality of some of these assignments. This led to me urgently trying to retrace my steps and make right what I could.
As time progressed I started pondering on how many people have been called, some even formally and given titles but a lot are not really doing the work they have been sent to do. Shortly after, I saw someone post something on their status highlighting the same thing. It was particularly in reference to prophets and was addressing the fact that there are many across different nations but very few are aligned with God’s current emphasis. The post was so spot on and really helped articulate the subject of my musing. It also pointed out the fact that Isaiah in the bible was already a prophet when God asked who He should send (see Isaiah 6 for reference). So what had Isaiah been doing before chapter 6? Isaiah 1-6 is actually a whole curriculum in itself as part of the transformation process that occurs in the making of a true prophet of God but I will leave you to study it further as it is not the primary subject of this post.
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” - Isaiah 6:8
As I gave this some more thought, I wondered what the point was of acknowledging a title or answering the call if one was not going to respond appropriately. Was it just for fancy or an attempt to try and cure an age old insecurity where the title serves as the drug to make one feel important?
Many questions.
It is one thing to run away from the call of God over your life (which I am not advocating) but it is another to answer the call but then decide to live it on your own terms. Both scenarios highlighted are wrong but our focus today is on the latter scenario.
If we call ourselves what God has appointed us then it is of uttermost importance that we are in full service to and in alignment with the Kingdom we represent. This does not just mean doing what seems right or makes us look good in front of others but actually being obedient to God and doing exactly what He said we should do. For example, if He has called you to be a watch over a nation, then do so diligently. Don’t get sidetracked with the cares of life, circumstances or with trying to live out someone else’s assignment because it looks more attractive.
A great man of God who I admire dearly often refers to prophets in two categories, those in active service and the rest. This always reminds me of the story in (1 Kings 13:11-25) about the old vs. young prophet. I firmly believe that amongst other things, the emphasis is not about the age of the ‘old’ prophet but rather about the fact that he was manipulative as he misled the young prophet and was evidently not aligned with God even though he had more experience and held a title. I suspect his position had probably been terminated by heaven due to no longer being aligned with the employer’s terms even though he was still gifted. This is often the difference between a wrong and false prophet. The old prophet = wrong prophet vs. a false prophet who likely was never a prophet of the true and living God so has questionable sources. It could be argued that in some cases this can be a little fluid but as tempted as I am to address this, it will be another digression (forgive me!).
Evidently, my conversation with God and personal repentance had opened up the floodgates for the Lord to speak to me about the state of the body concerning this. He began to show me how vastly widespread the issue of prophets and watchmen not being in alignment was, along with the knock on impact it was having on society at large. It was like the scales came off my eyes and my heart was crumbling. I then heard the Lord say…
“Many of my watchmen are asleep as they have been overcome by the spirit of slumber”
He went on further to say some know it and others are completely clueless as they have forgotten the details of their specific assignment. I won’t lie, I was a little sober as part of me recognised both these postures.I also recalled a dream someone had once shared with me about a very prominent preacher in a certain nation being in pyjamas while preaching and how the interpretation not matter which way we spun it screamed slumber! Many questions went through my mind…”What was the cause of this? How has this gone on for so long? How did we not see the impact of this before now?“
As I meditated further, it became clear that amongst other things the major culprit was the good ole ‘D’ word. No, not exactly the devil even though he is the primary orchestrator in the background but here I am referring to distractions. I am starting to call distraction the ‘D’ word, because it is beginning to feel a little like an abomination each time it is mentioned. Distractions are so terrible because they tend to complete their assignment of getting one side tracked after the fact and they are usually picked up in hindsight. Navigating distractions is truly an art in today’s highly distracted world. I came across another blog post that addresses overcoming this practically in a little more detail, Distraction blog.
The second point the Lord highlighted was around identity. Simply put, He said “many don’t know who they are” and as a result they are caught up with living a substandard life, one that is far away from what the Lord has designed for them as their priorities are completely mis-aligned. This lack of identity in Christ is also what leads to lack of confidence and sponsors things like pride and competition.
I sat and wondered how I could repent on behalf of all who have been slacking in any way as well as arrange for us to all collectively wake up so we can get in position. The truth is that we cannot afford to be distracted especially in this hour as we approach the end of this age. The world is getting darker by the second and the Lord is seeking co-labourers to partner with. These co-labourers are those who will rise above the ‘give me + me, myself & I’ Christianity and truly seek the heart of the Father so they can always be in stead with Him. It is those who will be concerned about what God is saying now and not always laying emphasis on what was side without being current.
God is looking for God men. His men.
“God men are those who will truly represent Him and in whom there will be no doubt as to whether they are serving the same God. ”
Men who are whole-heartedly sold out to God and have no interest in conforming to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2). Men who see Him as the great monarch that He is and therefore take all their life’s orders from Him. Men who hold true to kingdom values and see Jesus as the standard. Men who are led by His Spirit and have their foundation in His word. Men who will go where they are sent. IMPORTANT: It should be noted that ‘men’ here represents both sexes.
Food for thought: Are you one of these God men?
watchman Wake up
Let’s briefly look at who a watchman is in its simplest form. Perhaps the most straightforward reference is from the book of Ezekiel.
But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.’ “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me - Ezekiel 33:6-7
Prophet Ezekiel was a watchman and really all prophets (office holders) are to be watchmen as well as people of prayer. Side note, run from any prophet who does not pray…seriously run! The scripture in the book of Ezekiel may seem a little extreme for some, especially those who tend to shy away from the old testament but watchmen are very much still relevant. More so in the new covenant as everyone is expected to watch in some kind of way.
Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak - Matthew 26:41
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour - 1 Peter 5:8
To simplify it, a watchman is someone who actively watches and prays usually over certain jurisdictions, groups of people or wherever the Lord assigns. It is something they are deployed to do and could also be in an industry, sphere of influence or even multiple things. In doing so, they alert others of any key information as and when needed. Envision them as gatekeepers. Back in the day, a number of great cities had walls built around them for protection purposes and the people who were chosen to watch and guard upon the walls of the city were called watchmen. We see this in the book of Isaiah 62:6-7. Tsaphah which is the Hebrew word for watchman means to lean forward or to peer into the distance, highlighting that they see what is ahead so are prophetic by nature.
Picture taken in 2019 at the House of Prayer in Jerusalem, Israel. Seeing this does more than just remind me of the scripture but of the atmosphere of prayer that is present in that location and how it literally transformed my life
Wake up for the shake up
The saying ‘wake up’ in Christian quarters is beginning to sound a little cliché but the truth is it cannot be overemphasised. There is such an urgency for God’s people to break out of this slumber. It is a loud and clear clarion call which is not exclusive to watchmen or those with a five fold office but to all believers.
You may have noticed that these days things are moving at supersonic speed like never before. The things that occur in 1 year today is like 5 years worth of activity a few years ago. This is not exactly going to change and actually ties in with a vision I had in 2019. I started to see images of things moving at a really quick pace. At the time, I was in a season where I was praying a lot for the year ahead so I initially thought it represented a season of acceleration in my life that was getting ready to unfold but the Lord soon made it clear to me that it related to the pace at which things were going to move generally, good & bad.
It is paramount that as believers we learn to discern the times ahead of the world. We have this advantage because the one who knows all things dwells within us (1 John 2:20) and in addition to that He can give us the wisdom we need to navigate as we should. This advantage we have is also an invitation to come up higher (Revelation 4:1) and co-labour with Him (1 Corinthians 3:9). The following video gives some insight into an encounter I had in a time of prayer where the Lord was giving a clear wake up call to His people. As the recipient, I can speak on this and would say that whatever it is termed as the ‘shake-up’ is still to come but more than ever before, I sense it to be imminent.
Watch the full video here
What to pray for in this hour
There are also a few things I have been privy to have knowledge about either through personal revelation/encounters or from fellowship with other people of prayer. Based on this I have listed a few key things that I believe we need to be praying about very purposefully at this time.
Pray against diseases particularly ones that impact the blood and the skin. Also pray for strengthening of people's immune systems and a restoration to how God originally designed it
Pray against simulations being re-propagated similar to 3 years ago
Pray against large-scale cyber attacks
Pray against silencing of Christian media
Pray against the war on food and all that has been done to alter a lot of natural substances
Pray against falling into mass deception and altering of people’s reasoning through technology
Pray for children and for the family unit as God designed to be restored. Also pray for parents that they will be given the appropriate wisdom on how to navigate through schooling systems and generally raising their children. Pray for the strengthening of homeschooling systems and creativity that will allow parents to collaborate more
Pray for believers that the Lord has called to build in this season, that they will do so diligently and boldly with unusual wisdom & insight
On a personal note, ask the Lord to help you safeguard whatever you need to. Ask for superior wisdom that will always keep you steps ahead of what is ahead and help you to prepare
Turning back to HiM
I am very much hoping that if you have read this far and journeyed with me in my musing with God you will by now appreciate that this is an urgent clarion call. Beyond making this emphasis, I wanted to ensure that I didn't leave you hanging or feeling convicted with no direction on what to do next, so I asked Holy Spirit to help. At this point, I invite you to take a few minutes to reflect, pray and repent.
In some Christian quarters, as unbelievable as it may seem, repentance is actually a contentious word, almost like a swear word. No lie, I once heard a so-called man of God say repentance is no longer relevant because we are under the new covenant. It wasn’t audio, he was standing in front of me preaching. I was mortified, shocked to my bones and so grieved in my spirit plus the explanation given was so off. I felt so sorry for anyone who was gullible to believe what was being said.
People of God, Repentance is very much still relevant!!! I will say it again. Repentance is still relevant
To repent actually means to change one’s mind but beyond that it is a decision made to be transformed, it is a reorientation. The Greek word for repentance is metanoia which also alludes to this definition. Some go further to describe it as a fundamental transformation in one's outlook on a particular thing. Think of it as a 180 degree turn around.
In the context of today's discussion if you find yourself falling into the category of not being fully aligned to God, it is time to pause, reflect, reconsider and repent. In doing so, it is important that we acknowledge where we have been lukewarm or cold and make a conscious decision to turn away from that. You may also find it useful to spend some time journaling with God and go as far as writing a letter of recommitment. There are so many more things I could say, scriptures I could quote, suggestions I could make but this is really a journey with Holy Spirit. Ask Him to help you reflect on your journey so far in God; to show you where you are right now, where you are meant to be and in doing so to help you to bridge the gaps.
We cannot live the life God has called us to live without the help of Holy Spirit because He is the one who reveals the mind of God (1 Corinthians 2:10) so we need to fully surrender to Him. We need to go beyond singing about surrendering and actually living a surrendered life. For some of you it would even be as simple as obeying His instruction on what you should wear today. Yes, I know that it may seem oversimplified and to some may sound like it is for a new believer but some are so far off from recognising and obeying the voice of God that reacquaintance is needed even in what is considered to be the mundane things. This often happens when we have become so used to disobeying God that we quench His Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
Here are some other practical things/reminders we can do to get reawakened and remain on fire for God.
Obey God, Obey God, Obey God. This is the simplest and easiest way to demonstrate our love to Him. For those who love the Lord obey His instructions (1 John 5:3). It is as simple as that. We cannot say we love God or even sing about how much we love Him and not obey Him.
Come out from among them (2 Corinthians 6:17) I believe a lot of Christians struggle with being separate from the rest of the world. A lot of us come into the knowledge of Christ, we enjoy the love we receive from Him and the benefits of following Him but some want to continue living a life they should no longer be associated with and hold onto some of the things they should let go of. The word of God tells us to not be conformed to the ways of this world, to come out from among them and be separate. This doesn't mean we are to isolate ourselves because we still do live in the world physically but we are not of the world. We are to stand out as believers and do so boldly. Coming out from among them means we do not follow the ways of the world; we don't do everything in the world, we don't follow all trends and latch onto ungodly things. If you are still struggling with this, ask the Holy Spirit to help you live the separate life He has designed for you. Accept that you are different and you are not meant to be like everybody else. Remember, the goal is not to try to fit in, the goal is to live your life in Christ as He has ordained. You are peculiar (1 Peter 2:9).
Stay Worded. It is important that we keep the Word of God at the core of everything we do. The word of God to serve as our anchor in all things and even those things we do for God. Sometimes people get carried away with what they believe to be "spiritual” but it may not be in line with the true and living God so His word serves as a checkpoint. This is not only because it is the written Word but also the fact that it is alive and breathing (Hebrews 4:12), it has life. Interacting with the word of God actually helps us to build our knowledge of God beyond what is written thereby helping us to discern appropriately what is right and wrong, what is good and God hence why it is so important that believers engage with it regularly. We should frequently meditate on and study the word. In a day where there are so many questionable and clearly false prophetic movements with people going off on tangents far away from God, it is critical that we stay grounded in the word of God. If you are struggling to do this, consider subscribing to this Bible plan to help you engage with the Word. Also learn more about how to study the bible here.
Get discipled. I could write a whole other post about the impact of discipleship in our day, looking at the benefit and also observing the outcome of the lack of discipleship. Discipleship is a lifelong journey and is not meant to be exclusively for new believers who sign up to the foundational class. We are all to subscribe to a life of constantly learning, gleaning and growing. One’s submission to growth as a believer is their responsibility and no one else’s. I believe that at different points in our lives the Lord will lead us to whatever form of discipleship we need to subscribe to; be it formal or informal. As we walk with God and stay yielded, at different seasons in our lives, He will show us who our teachers are. It might be somebody you know personally or it might just be someone the Lord says you should observe concerning a certain aspect of your life. The important thing is that we stay plugged into a form of discipleship and community appreciating that this will change overtime.
Watch what you consume, especially what you watch. I am sure you have heard the popular saying “you are what you eat”, meaning that your physical health (amongst other things) is made up of the type of food you consume, nutrition levels, water in take and so on. In the same context your spiritual health is heavily influenced by what you allow in. Garbage in, garbage out. For instance, if one engages in watching lots of Netflix, interacting on social media with little or no time spent engaging with the Word of God and Godly content, then over time one will subconsciously get spiritually slack. What you watch, listen to and speak are extremely important. I could and will probably write a whole other post about it but for those who are Watchmen, it is critical. You cannot spend all your time on news and media outlets and expect your spiritual perception that should hear announcements in heaven made miles ahead of when they are manifested on the earth to be super intact. If one is very sensitive to visuals, then it is very difficult to un-see what has been seen, so accept that there are just some things you cannot do; movies you can watch, music you cannot listen or dance to, even lyrics you cannot repeat because the weight behind the words some of us speak even in jest is heavy. There are also some people you cannot follow on social media because the content is just not appropriate for you so ensure you are conscious of this and do the necessary. Side note, I am not advocating cancel culture but the ‘unfollow’ button is a very great tool. It can save your life!
Be a presence carrier. Beyond the time we spend in God's presence either in a congregational setting or in our personal quiet time, it is important that we commit to being presence carriers of God. This means that in our everyday walk, whether we find ourselves in the boardroom, the gym or out with friends, we are carrying the presence of God. I often use the litmus test of thinking to myself whether I am in a location that is a suitable place for God's presence to dwell. Don't get me wrong, God is everywhere but I have grown to understand that there is a difference between God being present (which is everywhere) and God’s actual presence. We are invited to be people that dwell in the presence of the Lord and in doing so we carry that presence with us everywhere because that is what changes the world and shifts atmospheres of darkness. Consider your movements, where you go, what you do regularly and the company you keep, does it encourage an atmosphere that can host the presence of God? Does it grieve God’s spirit? I will leave you to ponder on this.
Recognise your seasons and respond appropriately. This is one of the wisest things a believer can do. Aside from recognising the time in season of the world at large, the church, the community or sphere you are part of, it is important that we recognise our personal times and seasons. This simply alludes to where we are in our journey with God. As believers, we are to constantly grow but sometimes we may find ourselves in a season of intense and accelerated growth where the Lord wants to teach us things that will propel us into our destiny and show us things that we need to be who He will have us be. Other times we may be in a season of building where the Lord will have us focus on building something that is again in line with our destiny. We may be in a season of outpouring where the Lord has spent so much time investing in us that it is time for us to live out what He has placed in us. In our lives a lot of these things will run concurrently because to some degree we will be doing all of these at the same time but there is often emphasis made in a particular season. Sometimes, we are in a Kairos time meaning that it is a certain time span or window for something to occur. If you have never engaged in this or thought about it at all, ask Holy Spirit to show you the season of your life that you are in. Ask Him to show you if you are operating in line with what that season demands.
Keep your prayer watches. Watchmen out there, the Lord has probably given you a time in which He wants you to pray. This may be for an undefined period of time or for a season. If He has given this to you, then stick to it. If He hasn't, ask the Lord whether He has a specific time He would like you to pray. If not, just ensure that you set up a time that you personally pray to God and be fluid enough to listen to the promptings of the Spirit when He tells you to pray it might be on one off occasions or you may find that over time the Lord alerts you to pray at certain times of the day or night.
Watchman, Prophet, Believer, Christian…
Are you ready to partner with God? Are you ready to go where He is sending you? Are you ready to give up being in charge of your life? Are you ready to see the Kingdom of God advance like never before? It is time to WAKE UP for real, for real. No more playing church, living on the sidelines as a spectator or subscribing to convenient Christianity. There is no time to waste as JESUS IS COMING SOON! And His kingdom must advance. We are never to be at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1). Commit to a life of being a true disciple of Christ, it is a beautiful journey and is the most rewarding, fulfilling thing you can ever do in your life. It will give you such a sense of purpose and understanding of what you are here on the earth to do. I pray that today you make the decision to make this life your real reality.
it is time to wake up and be God’s men!
Here is a song to use in your time of meditation and reflection.
PS. Stay blessed! And do share this with others. It is a Clarion Call!